PSA Competition Submission Procedure
Our club is a registered participant in three divisions of the Photographic Society of America Interclub Competition. We are in two “Projected Image Division” (PID) - Color and Monochrome. Both of these categories are “General”. We also are in the “Travel Division” (PTD). (Please review all guidelines before entering an image. Particular attention should be paid to guidelines for TRAVEL as they are more restrictive.)
Each year there are three rounds of competitions as follows: DATES for 2024-2025
October 15 - Yearly registration deadline. (Completed)
PCGC submissions accepted - September 1 - November 1,12:00 PM
PCGC Member voting - November 1, 12:01 PM through November 8, 12:00 PM
Images submitted to PSA by November 15
PCGC submissions accepted - September 1 - February 1,12:00 PM
PCGC Member voting - February 1, 12:01 PM through February 8, 12:00 PM
Images submitted to PSA by February 15
PCGC submissions accepted - September 1 - April 1,12:00 PM
PCGC Member voting - April 1, 12:01 PM through April 8, 12:00 PM .
Images submitted to PSA by April 15
All active members are eligible to submit one photograph in each category per round. Our internal deadlines are listed above in bold. Members will submit their images through the COMPETITIONS tab on the website. Click SUBMIT IMAGES TO A COMPETITION; Click SELECT by PSA COMPETITION – PSA Monochrome, PSA Color and/or PSA TRAVEL. Next click UPLOAD IMAGES INTO THE COMPETITION. After you have selected your images, click SAVE IMAGES & PROCEED TO EDIT PAGE. Make any edits in titles, etc.
The images must be in jpeg format and must NOT EXCEED the following Maximum size:
Horizontal images will be no more than 1920 pixels wide or 1080 pixels tall.
Vertical images will be no more than 1080 pixels tall. In all cases the vertical side may
not exceed 1080 pixels.
There are no file size restrictions. For best results use sRGB color space.
Title the image, max of 25 SPACES. Short titles are preferred. Member’s name should not appear in the title. Entries are tracked and ID’d by member’s email. Replace the file name with the title of the image, nothing else.
A member may not use a photo that was previously awarded an honorable mention or award of merit by PSA in past rounds. However, if a member has a good image that did not receive an award of any type by PSA, it may be resubmitted.
All club images will be judged by members. The top six images chosen in each division will be entered in the PSA competition round. PSA results will be announced as soon as received.
If you wish to participate in an Interclub competition, you will need to sign/agree to the official permission form, available here. Forms will also be available at each PCGC meeting or print, sign, scan from home and email as an attachment Karen Kindness. Please note that this form is a requirement for any image chosen to represent PCGC in the PSA competitions.