Join our club!

We welcome visitors and new members! 

Think you might be interested in joining us? Have a look around our website.  This holds all our important information and lets you know how we operate (By-laws & Procedures). Be sure to checkout our galleries, showcasing our members' amazing images. Read some of our member recognition articles under News & Information (here's a sample). Look over our monthly competition topics  and see which ones you might enjoy.

Like what you see? Well, becoming a member of our club is easy. 

Just download the Membership Form. Print, complete, and mail with your dues or bring to a meeting if you prefer paying dues in person. Dues are $60 single or $75 per family, payable in January of each year. Make checks payable to Photography Club of Greater Cincinnati.

MAIL TO: Frank Harrison, 11164 Terwilligers Hill Ct., Cincinnati, OH  45249


See Frank Harrison, Treasurer, at a Club meeting.

We think you'll be glad you are a member of Photography Club of Greater Cincinnati (PCGC)!


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